Well, contrary to my expectations, my visa arrived in the mail today, so I will proceed with my original flight plans for tomorrow afternoon. Pak Gumilar must have really gone out of his way for me - according to USPS tracking, my visa was mailed back on Saturday. The thing is that the Indonesian Consulate General is closed on weekends. What a miracle! My travel agent was relieved to hear the news.
So now I am basically in crisis mode, writing out a packing list, printing copies of stuff, and doing various other prep work. One itsy bitsy thing I forgot to do, though - buy travel insurance. God willing I'll be alright. If worst comes to worst, I am fully prepared to pay a visit to a dukun - a traditional healer who practices folk medicine. There are 2 types of dukun - dukun putih and dukun hitam (putih means "white" and hitam means "black" in Indonesian). The main difference between them is that dukun hitam deal with spirits and the like, and I guess they can be sort of like shamans.
A dukun - dunno which kind this one is though.
My basic itinerary is:
Fly from Cincinnati to LA, wait about 6hrs, then fly to Taipei and on to Jakarta.
I'll spend one night at the house of a friend in Jakarta.
The next day (6/20 in Jakarta) it's off to the train station for a 6hr ride to Yogyakarta.
And the journey is complete. We'll see how far I end up deviating from that, and how much traveling is going to suck. I can't wait though! See you in Jakarta!
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