Saturday, June 14, 2008

Shooting Myself in the Foot

More and more it is appearing that my visa will not get mailed back to me in time to catch my departing flight. I thought I had just enough time, but things never go as smoothly as you plan them. The first bump in the road was USPS. I express mailed my visa application to the consulate general on Monday, June 9th. Inexplicably, it took two days to reach its Chicago destination. From there, processing should have taken 3 business days.

I called the consulate on June 13th, looking for the Mr. Gumilar in charge of handling my application. After unsuccessfully ringing his office a few times, I asked the operator if he was even there that day. The operator explained that he was out of the office and at the mosque for Friday prayers. Of course. So I called back later that afternoon:

Mr. G: "Hello?"
Me: "Pak Gumilar?" (Indonesian for "Mr. Gumilar")
Mr. G: "Ya?"
Me: "As-salaamu-alaikum. I was calling to check on the status of my visa application. My name is Peter Gray."
Mr. G: "Wa-alaikum salaam. Okay, what are you going to Indonesia for?"
Me: (confused) "Um, well I'm going to Jakarta and then maybe to Jogjakarta."
Mr. G: "So for tourist?"
Me: "Oh, yes, it's a tourist visa."
Mr. G: "When are you leaving?"

It was evident by then that he had not looked at my application yet and failed to recognize me. Great. After meticulously making sure my application was complete, and even including a brief letter written in Indonesian, this guy had no idea who I was. Finally he seemed to find my application and realized the gravity of the situation. He told me he would do his best to get my visa mailed out that day. "Insha'Allah," ("God willing") I replied, driving home the Muslim connection in hopes that it would inspire him to at least help me out as a "brother" if he wasn't going to do it otherwise.

Well, one day later there is no stamped passport in my mailbox, and the post office has no record of the envelope being shipped. Aduh! I may have to change my flight...

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